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The App how to find my stolen cell phone is a free guide that teaches you how to locate your stolen cell phone, this application does not require an internet connection but does require the cell phones GPS: To be able to automatically track the cell phone location. The GPS of the cell phone is important for a location and map of the stolen cell phone. You must use real-time GPS tracking so that you can find someones location with just an SMS. You must remotely find the location of the lost cell phone.You can now find your phone on a map, in the event that the current location is not available, the last known location will be shown. If you want to recover your cell phone from large buildings you must use interior maps. You can go to where your cell phone is using Google Maps. You can do this by touching the location of your device and then the maps icon. You can also lock it or delete data with a message or contact number on the lock screen.